Main Page

From Paracontrarian Wiki
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Welcome to the Paracontrarian Wiki!

The primary location for our content is on our Substack:

Mission: Paracontrarian exists to ensure that dissenting voices are heard, not silenced.

Vision: Paracontrarian will share, demonstrate, and promote the use of decentralized tools, platforms, systems, and infrastructure, both in-work and in-place, moving Contrarian Content Creators beyond resilience into a realm of antifragility, where controversy becomes a strength rather than a source of risk.

The best explanation of what we are doing is on this specific page:

Recent Changes

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Why Have a Wiki?

This wiki is a companion to our Substack site as a place to store links and information that support and expand upon those materials. While writings and video on Substack and other media platforms will be organized chronologically, data on the wiki will be organized by category, and easier to find. Links will be used to connect the two.

Only registered users will be allowed to edit the pages on this wiki. To register (when in the default Citizen dark theme), scroll to the top of the page so that the toolbar at the bottom appears. Click on the little person in the lower-right corner of the page, and then "Create account." Follow the instructions that follow and be sure to confirm your email address so that you can edit.

All changes made are tracked by user and we reserve the right to undo changes and block users.